
In this section you can find the list of EGNOS webinars organised by European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP) in collaboration with European Union Agency for the Space Program (EUSPA)

In case you need help during the registration, please follow this registration guide. You can also send us an email to egnos-helpdesk@essp-sas.eu or use the online form and the EGNOS Helpdesk will assist you on the registration processs.

Webinar on the Use of Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in Flight Procedure Design


ESSP, as the EGNOS SoL service provider, together with EUSPA, responsible for the EGNOS and Copernicus programmes, are organizing a new webinar in which we will be exploring how the Copernicus Data Elevation Model can support the Flight Procedure Design community. The webinar will take place on…

New webinar: EGNOS for a greener aviation


ESSP, as the EGNOS service provider, and its team of EGNOS experts offer a new opportunity to discover how this European satellite-based augmentation system contributes to a greener aviation. Join the webinar that will take place on the 24th of November 2022 at 15:30 (CET)

Equipping with EGNOS and LPV capability: how we can help operators in the decision-making


EGNOS experts offered a new webinar on Thursday June 9 2022, especially aimed at aviation operators to present the best current solutions that exist in the European market to equip an aircraft with EGNOS and LPV.

ESSP, as EGNOS service provider and its team of…

Webinar: “Available LPV solutions for aircraft: free online tool explained”


The EGNOS USER SUPPORT WEBSITE has developed a tool to support aviation users identifying available LPV solutions. We know that equipping an aircraft with an LPV solution is not a simple task, not just because of the logistic and monetary implications, but also because it is key to understand…

LPV implementation in Europe: from EGNOS SoL declaration to PBN IR


In 2021 we celebrate the 10th anniversary of EGNOS Safety of Life service.

This webinar took place on June 16th Showing the attendees how EGNOS implementation has progressed during the last decade, since the first LPV procedure’s publication on March 17 up to reaching near…