EGNOS NPA Availability is defined as the percentage of samples in which the Horizontal Protection Level is below Alert Limit for NPA (HPL below 556m) over the total period. The pictures present the current EGNOS NPA Availability over the last 24 hours and the last hour for the operational GEO satellites.
PRN 123
Operational Mode MT 2
Status: ActivePRN 136
Operational Mode MT 2
Status: ActivePRN 121
Test Mode MT 0/0
Status: ActiveLast hour availability Map
Last hour availability Map
Data updated every 15 minutes, page refreshes every 10 minutes.
DISCLAIMER: The data provided at the EGNOS Real Time section (hereinafter referred to as the 'Real Time Data' are automatically generated without any further filtering or analysis on the part of the ESSP's monitoring team and some errors may be introduced in the published Real Time Data either by the processing tools or the local receiver. Therefore in addition to the content of section 6 of the general Legal Notice, the users have certain obligations to exercise due care before any use of the Real Time Data.