The 3rd edition of the User Consultation Platform (UCP) for the European Space Programme will take place on 1-2 December,…
Timing & Synchronization (T&S)
Computer and telecommunication networks around the world need extremely accurate clock references. The EGNOS system has been providing its own time service, known as EGNOS Network Time (ENT), since March 2011. The ENT is obtained using information from atomic clocks that are deployed across Ranging Integrity Monitoring Stations (RIMS).
The EGNOS time is continuously cross-checked with UTC and the offset is transmitted to the user through the EGNOS navigation message (MT12). EGNOS time information can be obtained from GEO satellites or via the EDAS service, which allows users to access EGNOS data online in real time. EGNOS therefore offers a stable time service that is properly synchronised to UTC across all application domains.
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The EU Space Programme is evolving and so are the needs and requirements of its user community. The 3rd edition of the User…

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has just released its latest GNSS User Technology…