

Monday, January 13, 2020
Eustream is the operator of the high-pressure transmission system in the Slovak Republic whose main mission is the transmission of natural gas to Slovakia and through its territory to the European markets. The transmission capacity in the system is used by major European energy companies. Eustream’s transmission system represents an…
Tuesday, January 07, 2020
Still not aware of the upcoming temporal modifications in the EGNOS Space Segment starting the 9th January 2020? Please, check the Service Notice #22 to keep up to date! Official information detailing the schedule, swap process and outcomes after each event affecting the configuration of the operational EGNOS geostationary…
Thursday, December 05, 2019
If you are an EGNOS user, please be informed of the temporal modifications expected in the EGNOS Space Segment from the 9th January 2020 to 23rd March 2020. Due to planned activities required in the current operational EGNOS geostationary satellites (GEOs), the INMARSAT 4F2 (PRN 126) will be transmitting the EGNOS Operational…
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
The European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP) have launched the 2019 edition of its EGNOS User Satisfaction Survey. This survey will provide a better understanding of the value of EGNOS to end users and help ensure that future evolutions of the system continue to meet users’ needs. Users…
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Mr. Vázquez from ESSP-SAS introduced EDAS and its services, in the in Annual EGNOS workshop, focusing on the variety of GNSS products that are delivered by EDAS, and their potential to address a wide range of user needs. Then the classification of the active EDAS-based applications/usage cases was presented by market segment, showing that EDAS…
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Over the last ten years, EGNOS OPEN SERVICE has been providing end-users with a wide range of benefits. Increased and more sustainable agricultural production strongly relies on GNSS-enabled solutions. SBAS-based solutions are becoming of great importance in Precision Agriculture (PA) applications, frequently being the…
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Teodoro Seoane, from ESSP, presented in the Annual EGNOS workshop the EGNOS system status and performance for the period of 18 April 2018-July 2019, as well as the results of the latest User Satisfaction Survey. In this period, the EGNOS Signal in Space was available at all times, and the observed Safety of Life performances covered practically…
Friday, October 11, 2019
The EUTELSAT 5 West B satellite was successfully launched on a Proton M/Breeze M launch vehicle from Pad 39 at Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, at 12.17 CET on Wednesday 9 October. Hosting the GEO-3 payload of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS), the satellite will support EGNOS V3 - the next generation of the…
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
The EGNOS ANNUAL WORKSHOP 2019 celebrated at the ASI (Italian Space Agency) in Rome this year, gathered entrepreneurs and SMEs, along with business and public sector professionals from industry to share remarkable EGNOS implementation examples in every domain (Aviation, Rail, Maritime, Survey, Mapping, Agriculture) and how…
Thursday, September 05, 2019
The new version of the EGNOS Service Implementation Roadmaps (v4.2) has been released and is now available at the EGNOS Service Implementation Roadmap section! The EGNOS Service Implementation Roadmaps provide a high-level overview of the expected evolution for the upcoming years on each of the EGNOS Services: Safety of Life…