EGNOS visibility maps

This map was computed using the Digital Elevation Model over Europe (EU-DEM): . This model is a realization of the EU Copernicus programme. The map shows all areas within the Digital Elevation Model over Europe where there is no visibility of one or both EGNOS operational geostationary satellites (PRN 123 and 136). Further details on how the Digital Elevation Model over Europe (EU-DEM) is computed can be found here and here. The map is designed for its usage in clear-sky conditions, where no off-terrain objects can hinder the view of the sky.

The information shown in this map is aimed to have an overview of the EGNOS GEO Visibility within the EGNOS Service Area and should not be used for operational purposes.


You can zoom in/out with the mouse wheel or using the + and – buttons in the map. The viewing angle can be changed by using the right-click button and moving the mouse. Base map and layers to display can be selected using the top-right buttons, the combined PRN visibility layer is selected by default (red).