EDAS is the EGNOS Data Access Service providing access over the Internet to EGNOS data and corrections. In particular, the EDAS Ntrip Service provides access to the GNSS measurements (RTCM 2.1, 2.3 and 3.1 formats) coming from the EGNOS stations through the Ntrip protocol in real-time, including phase measurements for RTK (Real-time kinematic) positioning (RTCM 3.1) and differential GNSS corrections (RTCM 2.1, 2.3), over the internet.
The performance level of the differential GNSS corrections delivered through the EDAS Ntrip service is below 1 meter horizontal accuracy for locations up to 260 km away from the designated EGNOS station (see references) which makes it suitable to support applications in the transportation, mapping and emergency services domains over a large geographical area in Europe. Additionally, in the precision agriculture context, the EDAS differential GNSS corrections can support pass-to-pass accuracies in the order of 20 cm in a consistent manner and with a high degree of repeatability (appropriate for most cereal farm operations).
The EDAS Ntrip service is currently based on version 2.0 of Ntrip protocol over RTSP/RTP, which uses the Internet Standard Protocol RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) for stream control and RTP (Real Time Transport Protocol) for data transport. An EDAS evolution to support the HTTP-based Ntrip protocol options is under implementation (Ntrip v1 and Ntrip v2 over HTTP) to facilitate the access to EDAS to a larger number of users. The evolved EDAS Ntrip service will transparently detect requests from registered users in the different protocol versions/options (Ntrip v1, Ntrip v2 over HTTP and Ntrip v2 over RTSP/RTP) and react accordingly for the connection request management and GNSS data transmission. No modifications or configuration changes will be required in the user side.
The EDAS Ntrip service evolution to support HTTP-based communication is expected to be deployed in summer 2018.
Users interested in obtaining an EDAS account are invited to register at the EGNOS User Support Website and then complete the online EDAS registration form (Services à EDAS Service à Registration).
For a more detailed description of the EDAS Ntrip service, please refer to the EDAS Service Definition Document or the EDAS NTRIP-User Information Package, which is available to registered users for download in the EDAS download section.