Access here the new edition of the EGNOS bulletin to read unique success stories about the use of EGNOS in different domains.
Our cover article is an interview with Norsk Luftambulanse (the Norwegian Air Ambulance [NLA]). Lars Amdal, helicopter pilot at NLA, shares his view and experience on the use of EGNOS for rotorcraft procedures.
This issue also brings news about NetJets and their history with EGNOS, which started in 2010. Nowadays, all their new fleets are equipped with LPV and, in the future, they foresee a combination of LPV with advanced approaches such as Advanced RNP and RNP (AR).
You will also have the chance to learn about the preliminary environmental assessments at Almería (Spain) and Akureyri (Iceland) airports, and to discover the new LPV solution for B737NG aircraft developed by Fokker Services together with ASL Airlines France.
Have you ever wondered about the role of GNSS on the urban mobility sector? Read how EGNOS improves positioning in scooters and electric bikes of Lime, the world’s largest shared electric personal mobility vehicle company
Do not miss out the articles on how EGNOS accuracy and precision help optimize farming tasks such as irrigation, and how it supports virtual trainings for forest managers.
Join us on a trip where we will have the chance to analyze EDAS (EGNOS Data Access Service) service benefits in the geo-positioning of vehicles on standard European roads in situations where any road structure could shadow EGNOS SiS.
Click here to access the EGNOS Bulletin!
In this edition, you will also find the usual sections with up-to-date information about EGNOS and its latest developments:
- What’s new? Since the last bulletin...
- EGNOS Services highlights SBAS in the world.
- An update of the latest news in different market segments: aviation, agriculture, maritime, rail, GNSS.
- Upcoming events where EGNOS will be present.