Access here the new edition of the EGNOS Summer’ 22 bulletin to read unique success stories about the use of EGNOS in different domains.
Our first article reviews in depth how EGNOS has revolutionized the way we fly, creating greater access to small and regional airports, increasing safety and facilitating more sustainable flight routes across Europe. There have been major milestones recently accomplished from airlines and operators too; for instance, Airbus has delivered the first A320neo with EGNOS to popular low-cost airline EasyJet, and this is just the beginning, soon more passengers will be flying with EGNOS.
This issue also brings news about the Swedish company Heart Aerospace, responsible for the development of the ES-19 model aircraft, a 19-passenger regional jet powered entirely by batteries and four propped electric motors.
You cannot miss up either the article we published next on the FAQs that EASA has put together on PBN airspace use requirements, where you can solve your doubts related to the performance based navigation (PBN).
Other market cases are also covered in this bulletin, for example “The use of Portable Pilot Units with EGNOS” in the Port of Cadiz, or the “EGNOS application in robotics” for Agriculture, and learn about the European project “Drones4Safety” and how EGNOS can help them reach its ultimate objective which is to develop a system of autonomous, self-charging, and collaborative drones capable of inspecting a large part of transport infrastructures in a continuous operation. This ambitious project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and innovation programme under the Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) scheme and is coordinated by the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), involving nine partners from five EU countries.
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You will also find in this edition the usual sections where we update you with the most recent information about EGNOS and its latest developments:
- What’s new? Since the last bulletin...
- SBAS in the world
- What’s going on...
- Upcoming events where EGNOS will be present.
- An update of the latest news in different market segments: aviation, maritime agriculture and geomatic.