Access here the new EGNOS Bulletin Autumn’ 21 edition to read the latest success stories about the use of EGNOS in the different market segments.
We will start presenting the use of EGNOS SIS in the German DGNSS radio beacon system. After that, we will discover how EGNOS supports sample plot position in the Italian National Forest Inventory.
We will also have the chance to read about the use of EGNOS by Valtra Guide Solutions, followed by the case of Quick Air Jet Charter, that has implemented LPV in part of its fleet.
DAT, a Danish operator that connects some of the greatest hubs in continental Europe, has implemented the LPV capability on its fleet as well, reducing the number of delays, diversions and cancellations under poor weather conditions.
The case of the Norwegian National Police Air Support Unit is also presented in this issue. This unit, part of the Norwegian National Police, has implemented EGNOS-based PinS approach procedures for their new National Emergency Response Centre, near Oslo.
In this bulletin, Fintraffic ANS shared their insights on EGNOS and LPV approaches. Thanks to this European GNSS service, Fintraffic ANS benefits from the best possible minima and they have the chance of a vertical-guided approach procedure for runway ends not equipped with ILS.
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Learn about the latest EGNOS highlights, like the publication of the new EGNOS Service Implementation Roadmaps and the new update on agricultural tools that can be found in the EGNOS User Support website.
Other news you can take a look at are:
- The latest EGNOS Working Agreement signatures.
- The upcoming events EGNOS will be present.
- An update of the latest news in different market segments: aviation, geomatics, maritime and rail.