The top EU Space Conference will be on your screens from 7th to 11th December 2020. Held under the auspices of the German Presidency of the European Union, EU Space Week 2020 will be packed full of exciting events ranging from plenary sessions, keynotes, discussions and conference sessions, competition awards ceremonies, and much more. So, gear up and save the date!
As in previous years, European Space Week 2020 will address space-related topics engaging the entire European Space community, from policy-makers and start-ups to public authorities and industry players, and from investors to users. With its unique blend of plenaries, panel discussions, programme status updates, and virtual networking opportunities, European Space Week is a not-to-be-missed event for anybody interested in the current challenges and future trends of the EU Space ecosystem.
What to expect
This year’s European Space Week will focus on how the EU Space Programme is contributing to achieving the European Commission’s priorities for 2019-2024, with sessions on the European Green Deal, the EU Space Programme and an economy that works for people, the EU Space Programme and a Europe fit for the digital age, and others. With space having a positive multiplier effect in the EU economy, particular focus will be put on how synergies among Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus and GovSatCom can foster innovation, growth and sustainability. For communications enthusiasts and digital media lovers, a session on how to effectively communicate about the #EUSpace Programme will be led by top tech-influencers.
The fast-growing #EUSpace user’ community will present their needs and requirements during the User Consultation Platform plenary as a unique opportunity to influence and shape the services and future evolutions of the space programme’s components.
Don’t miss out
Sign up here to be notified when the official registration opens. Don’t miss Europe’s no. 1 space event, to discover cutting-edge Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus applications and hear from award-winning entrepreneurs, start-ups and visionaries. The event will also feature investors’ fora and business matchmaking, one to one networking opportunities with decision-makers, innovators and industry leaders, and virtual exhibitions.