The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has launched two calls for papers ahead of its GNSS Raw Measurements Taskforce Workshop, to be held online on 28 May 2020. The first of these calls targets innovative work using raw measurements while the second is related to testing EGNOS Data Access Service (EDAS) corrections in smartphones. If you are working on innovative solutions in these areas, we want to hear from you!
In its call for papers related to innovative work using raw measurements, the GSA is particularly interested in recent work using GNSS raw measurements in the field of high accuracy, robustness, testing or monitoring. However, other work in these fields beyond the use of raw measurements is also of interest. Proposals in this call should be submitted by 6 May.
Sharing experience
“There are several advantages to using GNSS raw measurements in smartphones, including greater accuracy and flexibility when building multi-GNSS solutions. The GNSS Raw Measurements Taskforce Workshop is an excellent opportunity to share experience around these solutions,” said GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Martin Šunkevič. “I am looking forward to a very lively exchange that will benefit all the participants,” he said.
In the EDAS corrections in smartphones call, papers should assess the added value in terms of position accuracy that could be obtained by applying one of the EDAS real-time correction streams (EGNOS augmentation message, DGNSS corrections) to the GNSS raw data collected from a smartphone.
The paper could compare the solution obtained after applying the selected EDAS-based corrections with other potential positioning techniques, for example standalone DFMC, PPP, or others, while using the raw measurements from the available smartphone(s) as input. If possible, static and dynamic scenarios should be tested in different environments (e.g. open sky, rural or urban environments). Please submit your proposals by 13 May.
Proposals, in the form of an abstract (maximum one page in length) should be sent to martin.sunkevic@gsa.europa.eu, clearly indicating the name of the call. In the event that too many proposals are received, the GSA reserves the right to choose the proposals to be presented at the workshop.
Some background information
The May workshop will be the fourth annual GNSS Raw Measurements Taskforce Workshop organised by the GSA. This year’s event, which will be held online due to the current lockdown restrictions in place around Europe, will aim to share Task Force members’ experience and progress around the use of raw measurements within Android devices. The agenda and registration for the online event will be announced in the coming days, so stay tuned!
With the release of Android 7 (Nougat) in 2016, Google made GNSS raw measurements available to smartphone users. In June the following year, the GSA launched a GNSS Raw Measurements Task Force to share knowledge and expertise on Android raw measurements and their use, including their potential for robustness and high accuracy positioning techniques relevant to mass market applications.
EDAS is the EGNOS internet broadcast service, which provides free of charge access to EGNOS data. For more information, take a look at the EDAS Service Definition Document (SDD), the EDAS section on the EGNOS User Support Website, the EGNOS Monthly Performance Report, and the EDAS coverage map with the expected geographical coverage for the supported positioning techniques. If you still have questions, you can contact: helpdesk@egnos.gsc-europa.eu.