Carmen Aguilera (GSA) presented on the second day of the in the Annual EGNOS workshop the methodology defined by GSA to foster adoption of EGNOS in maritime, rail, agriculture and geomatics market segments. She provided an overview of the priority activities for GSA in each market segment.
Sofía Cilla (ESSP) presented the most relevant results of the activities conducted in those market segments during 2019. In maritime, a CBA and architecture feasibility assessment was done for the Portuguese entity in charge of IALA DGPS stations in this country, to support them in their decision to recapitalise this infrastructure using EGNOS/EDAS. For rail, a large submarket segment was identified: over 170,000 freight wagons will be equipped with GNSS by 2022, according to the plans published by freight wagons operators. Today, over 7,500 are already configured to use EGNOS. In the frame of precision farming, the audience was informed about the availability of an online CBA tool (EASE) and demonstrator (GEAR).
Presentation available in this link.