Access the new issue of the EGNOS Bulletin and read unique success stories about the use of EGNOS in various domains.
Our cover story is the successful case about the addition of new LPV-capable aircraft to the KLM fleet, The Netherlands flag carrier.
In this issue, you can also read the success story of Lahti-Vesivehmaa Aerodrome, that has implemented the first-ever LPV(Localizer Performance With Vertical Guidance) procedure at an uncontrolled (non-ATS) aerodrome with a Non-Instrument Runway End (NIRE).
You will also have the opportunity to learn about how EGNOS supports marine engineering and marine environment protection. The high accuracy provided by EGNOS is crucial to the success of marine surveys, which are key tools in protecting the marine environment. In this issue, readers can also discover the new PinS procedures to LPV minima supported by EGNOS for Helicopter-based Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) in the Apulia Region.
The Autumn’23 edition of the bulletin also includes an in-depth article about the publication of the Guidelines on the use of Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS) in SBAS-based operations which is available on the Guidance Material section of the EGNOS User Support Website.
And do not miss out the interview with Geert Vanhandenhove, Manager of Flight Operations at Helicus, a cutting-edge medical drone operator based in Antwerp, Belgium, that uses drones to deliver sensitive goods to hospitals, laboratories and pharmacies.
Click here to access the EGNOS Bulletin!
In this edition, you will also find the regular sections with up-to-date information about EGNOS and its latest developments:
- EGNOS Services highlights.
- The results of the User Satisfaction Survey 2022.
- What’s new? Since the last bulletin...
- An update of the latest news in different market segments: aviation, maritime and rail.
- Upcoming events where EGNOS will be present.