EUSPA, ESSP and EGIS are pleased to invite you to a webinar dedicated to Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) operations; “Saving patient lives using GNSS for HEMS operations” that will be held on the 31st of March 2022, from 13:00 to 14:45 (CET). As part of the agenda, there will be a slot focused on how EGNOS can provide benefits to HEMS operations, its implementation status for rotorcraft operations in Europe and real cases and stories in which operators and heliports have benefitted from this service.
Guest speakers will represent a broad range of expertise such as regulators, ANSPs, manufacturers and operators. The audience will be taken through how implementing HEMS operations can save patient lives by reducing their transfer time, allowing helicopter pilots to safely lift off in cloudy conditions and improve the stability and sustainability of their approaches.
Register your seat here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7375590391450643471
The agenda will cover:
- The benefits of GNSS/EGNOS to HEMS operations
- Different types of implementation
- Success stories and practical examples from hospitals, ANSPs and industry
This workshop will be of interest to organisations considering new routes or flight procedures based on GNSS/EGNOS for HEMS, such as governmental health agencies, hospitals, HEMS operators, associations, ANSPs, IFPDs, etc.
EGNOS webinar series
The participation in this webinar, focused on HEMS operations, is the first session of a series of webinars dedicated to EGNOS that will take place throughout the year such as:
- “Equipping with EGNOS and LPV: How we can help operators in the decision making” - Beginning of summer 2022.
- “EGNOS for a greener aviation” - Beginning of autumn 2022.
Stay up-to-date to the EGNOS User Support Website and Social Media to be informed about the new webinars that are coming, do not miss them!