Before the end of the year, there is one more opportunity to learn, exchange and network with EU Space leaders and innovators: we are pleased to announce the EGNOS SERVICE STATUS SESSION 2020, the annual meeting for EGNOS stakeholders, decision-makers, industry and users, as well as application developers. This year, the EGNOS meeting has become virtual, and its online edition is scheduled for December 8th from 14.00 to 15.30 within the EUROPEAN SPACE WEEK.
Organised by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the EGNOS Service Provider (ESSP), the webinar will include information on the status and roadmap of the EGNOS Programme, the evolution of its expansion and implementation in different markets, always maintaining a practical approach with real and new examples of the benefits that EGNOS keeps offering to European users.
The EGNOS 2020 online session will focus on specific segments to observe the market expansion in the fields of aviation, maritime, Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS), and agriculture.
This European Space Week will focus on how the European Union Space Programme is contributing to the achieving of the EU priorities for 2019-2024, with sessions on the European Green Deal, the EU Space Programme and a functioning economy for people, among other interesting topics.
Register now on the European Space Week and take a look at the EGNOS Service Status Session Agenda.