The LPV implementation status on the ground was firstly presented in the Annual EGNOS workshop by Mr Josip Josipović, Executive Director, Regional ATC Centres at Croatia Control. Currently, 70% of the country’s instrument runway ends are already served by LPV approaches, and the company has a sound plan to fulfil the obligations derived from the PBN IR. This implementation is dramatically improving accessibility at some Croatian destinations.
Croatia Airlines Chief pilot DASH-8 Q400 Davor Miši, on the other hand, showed how this strategy is already benefitting the daily operation of its x6 Dash 8 Q400 fleet. After giving some hints on how the retrofit process took place, Davor Mišić delighted attendees with a video shot during an aircraft’s LPV approach and landing at Pula Airport, runway 09.
Presentation available in this link.